22 May 2016

Final CAS reflection

My time in IB has come to an end, and so has my CAS experience. Those two years influenced my life, my personality and skills in ways I did not expect. Now I am going to sum up this experience and describe how CAS helped me to develop myself as the IB learner.

During the course I have undertaken numerous activities. For Creativity I was drawing and organizing art classes (as my CAS group project) concerning three techniques: origami, quilling and decoupage. Also I have decided to continue preparing ornaments with quilling technique on my own. I fulfilled the Activity part mainly by attending tennis trainings, iceskating during the winter and by rollerskating. For Service I wrote letters with Amnesty International, I collected money for Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and for the main part of my Service hours I was a volunteer in Guardian Angels' Charity. Initially, I helped children at the Charity with their homework, but later my cooperation with them expanded and resulted in art classes for kids (group project), summer trip and help with gingerbread cookies sale.

CAS was a great opportunity for me to increase awareness of my strengths and areas for growth. I managed to do that during the most of the activities I undertook. My tennis trainings helped me to notice my strengths and weaknesses, to appreciate them and work on them. I can say the same for iceskating and rollerskating, drawing, quilling or helping with homework at Guardian Angels' Charity. Thanks to those activities I got to know my character better, I understood what I am capable of, what my abilities are and in what ways can I improve them. In a way, it was the chance for me to improve myself as an inquirer – apart from inquiring about the world around me I learned more about my personality.

It also gave me the chance to undertake new challenges. The activities that I was doing for the first time were the most challenging, including tennis, rollerskating, working with children at Guardian Angels' Charity and most of all the organisation of art classes for my CAS group project. The challenges that I experienced connected with Activity only required overcoming the fear of falling down or overcoming the limitations of my body, but the CAS group project demanded from me the whole set of skills I did not have before, since I have never organised anything until now. But as with most challenges, it turned out not to be so scary and difficult as I thought it would be. This learning outcome required of me as of an IB student to show that I am risk-taking.

I have planned and initiated an activity which was one of the most important parts of CAS for me, and had the most influence on me: art classes for CAS group project. The idea came from me and my two class mates, and the series of lessons where fully planned, organised and performed by the three of us with the guidance and support of the workers from Guardian Angels' Charity. I am extremelly thankfull to them for their valuable clues, for the help we received and the atmosphere they created, which made the whole action an absolute pleasure.

For the part of my CAS activities I had to work collaborativelly with others. I have managed to do that successfully during my tennis classes when I had to cooperate with my team, during the volunteering in Guardian Angels' Charity – on the field trip or during doing homework, and mainly during CAS group project. Those events have shown me how important the good team work is. Everything seems to be so much easier when there is a great cooperation between people. It helped me to become a communicator and to be open-minded. Without those traits the cooperation would not be possible.

Once again CAS project has given me the opportunity to show perseverance and commitment, as without them the whole action would not have taken place. Also my entire collaboration with Guardian Angels' Charity has allowed me to develop those traits, since I managed to volunteer there regularly almost every week and later on, to engage myself more in their work i.e. by helping them during the summer field trip with kids. The time I spent working with children has made me more principled then I was before, since I felt that I need to set the example and to be the person they can trust.

One of the greatest things about CAS is that it allows to engage with issues of global importance; the issues that we would not normally be interested in. Activities like writing letters with Amnesty International or raising money for Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity have given me the chance to be a part of the fight for human rights and for decent healthcare for the children and the elderly. It was my opportunity to show that I am a caring IB student, involved and interested in the world around me.

CAS has also helped me to consider ethical implications of my actions, mainly during my volunteer work at Guardian Angels' Charity, raising money for Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and writing letters with Amnesty International. It has mainly involved considering different points of view of people, e.g. Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is perceived in two very different ways, and I had to consider if I am helping the people in need of health care or the people who organises this event to gain more money for themselves. Events like this have required of me to be a thinker and to acknowledge both sides of various issues.

CAS is also a great occasion to develop new skills. Most of the actions I took part in have allowed me to develop skills, either physical or social. The most enjoyable skill I have gained is the iceskating, while the most important is the skill I obtained during the organisation of art classes. All the skills and knowledge I posses now thanks to CAS is valuable and I am extremelly happy I had the opportunity to obtain it. The range of disciplines that I was striving to be good at and that I learned things about has made me more knowledgeable than before.

Managing all those activities along with learning and writing essays was really difficult for me but I think that it has made me at least a little more balanced – I am capable of managing my time and coping with difficulties to a greater extent than I used to. In addition, writing CAS reflections has made me think about my experiences from different perspectives – it made me a much more reflective person.

For me, CAS had the strongest influence on the way I perceive the world, the situations I encounter and people I meet. Before the IB Diploma I have not observed the world with such an open mind as I do now. The participation in numerous events have broadened my way of thinking and taught me to consider a lot more sides of the story than I used to. It will certainly bring me many benefits in my future life and it will help me avoid unpleasant misunderstandings and conflicts.

The thing I am proud of is my involvement in the Guardian Angels' Charity. I feel like I have done a great job helping them. Also they have taught me so much and I have met so many incredible people that I think both me and them benefti to the same extent. I really enjoyed my time there and I know I will keep coming back to them even after I finish IB Diploma.

The one thing I regret is that I did not continue my tennis trainings. I could transfer to a place closer to my home and maybe find someone who would make it more challenging, but I just gave it up. I chose the easier way and I am not proud of it. I hope that this can teach me to pursue my interests, because otherwise I could be dissapointed with myself.

Generally, I feel like CAS has brought me only benefits, developed my personality and my understanding of the world. CAS was a huge part of the most challanging two years of my life so far and I hope that the experience I have gained through this will help me in the future.