18 November 2014

First tennis trainings in the new year

I am taking part in tennis trainings as a part of my CAS activities. I had started to play tennis in the previous year. I have decided to continue attending these classes also in this school year. I have attended 5 trainings since September - on 6.10, 20.10, 27.10, 3.11 and 10.11. 

The first training after summer holidays showed that I had lost part of skills I have developed in the last year. Once again my shots were mainly not on target or even did not pass the net. It was difficult for me to adjust the power to properly hit the ball. Sometimes my shots were too weak, sometimes too strong, just like at the very beginning of my trainings. Also I noticed that I felt quite tired after the 1-hour training though it was not demanding at all. But I did not give in, I knew that it was my first training after a very long break. I hoped that with every following training I would get better and better.

Next classes were slightly better than the previous one. I started to recall the proper moves I had learnt in the last year of trainings. But that did not mean that I used things I recalled - I have discovered my major weakness about tennis - I do not focus enough on each shot. There were only few times when I hit the ball with the proper strength, I worked properly with my legs, and I did the full move without stopping the tennis racket. Most of the time I do not do at least one of them. As soon as I realised it I focused on the next shot and tried to do it in the right way. Of course it was better then my usual shots. Most of the time it is difficult for me to do all of these things at once. I cannot do them automatically yet - it is a thing I am willing to improve.

Since last post I have been attending trainings on 24.11 and 1.12.2014.

At this point I don't see many improvements, mostly due to the fact that I had done something with my ankle on a PE lesson. During these two trainings I haven't been moving much because I was afraid I would worsen the state of my ankle and that I wouldn't be able to run at all. I excercised only using my hands - it affected the quality of my shots, they were even worse than before.

On the next training after Christmas I will be able to move properly, so I will excercise in a proper way. 

Learning outcomes achieved:

- Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth

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