22 November 2014

Volunteering at Guardian Angels' Charity again

Last year I have been a volunteer in Dom Aniołów Stróżów (Guardian Angels' Charity) - a place where kids and teenagers with troubles can receive help. They can come there after school, eat a dinner, tell others about their problems and try to solve them.

I have decided to volunteer there also in this year. I am supposed to spend there one hour every Friday, helping children with their homework, with learning and revising for tests. As for now I have spent there only 6 hours since September - it was due to several projects I had to do for school, which took part at the same time. I was there on 17.10, 7.11, 14.11, 21.11, 28.11 and 5.12.2014.

During first few visits I have noticed that several kids, when asked to do certain tasks, often say that they don't know how or that they can't do them. But later it turned out that they needed only a small guidance and that they could do their homework practically on their own. The only thing they lacked was self-confidence. It made me think how often people are capable of doing something, but they don't try to do it because they don't believe in themselves. I wonder how many have missed opportunities of a lifetime because they lacked self-confidence - and the only person they could blame for it was themselves. It shouldn't happen to anyone. We should leave our comfort zones and take our chances. Of course there are other factors that can affect our fate but we can't take our opportunities away from ourselves when we still have them.
Kids at Guardian Angels' Charity are insecure about their skills while doing homework, but this insecurity can show up someday and make them hesitate in the important moment of their life. Next time when I will notice kid not being confident about what he/she is doing I will try to encourage him/her to think, to try solve problems on his/her own at the first place, and then look for help, not the other way. 

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