16 December 2014

I begin to draw

As my creative part of CAS I have decided to draw. On 16th December 2014 I have done my first drawing for CAS.

Of course I have been drawing before, just like everyone during their lives. But I've never been learning how to draw, how to use different techniques properly, so I've decided to start drawing at home, trying to develop my skills and new techniques on my own.

I have tried to draw my hand holding pencil. It was illuminated by the bright light from above and I tried to show the shadows created by the light, e.g. the one cast by pencil - but I've forgotten about the shadow  fo the pencil on the paper, not on hand and the one cast by the whole hand!

Also in this drawing my thumb is too thin and my forefinger is too thick. But overall proportions are not bad as for the official first time drawing.

I have been drawing this picture for about 2 hours - I think that I could do this in much shorter time, but I've been erasing a lot of lines that I thought were not drawn properly. I'm neither experienced nor skilled drawer, so I've been correcting fingers way too many times - and in the end they don't look like I wanted them to look.

I will use this picture to make comparison - I will draw it once again after few months and compare both versions - it will show if I make any progress.

Learing outcomes fulfilled:
- Developed new skills
- Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth

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