16 December 2014

Writing letters with Amnesty International

On 13th of December I have attended the event connected with the activity of Amnesty International. I have been writing leters driving attention to the problem in Bhopal, India.

30 years ago in factory in Bhopal there was a toxic gas leakage which contaminated the whole area. The toxic waste is still there, at the site of the former factory. People are forced to live there and are exposed to the dangerous remains of the factory. Also, people responsible for the tragedy were not punished yet. It is terrible that all over the world there are incidents including the violation of the human rights or putting people in danger, while governments seem to not to notice them.

First, when I heard about the event I thought that writing letters cannot help to improve world around us, I was sceptical about it. But then I read some more information about the organisation and it occured to me that this way of protesting against the injustice does matter. Amnesty International shows how significant can be our voice and how big is the effect of work of volunteers - organisation had freed many people and made governments to make an action and solve the problems the organisation had been writing about.

I am happy that I could attend this event. It was an opportunity for me to participate in something bigger, to notice problems around the world and to act on them. It is great that people from different countries unite and fulfill the same goal - to help those in need, to fight with injustice and violation of human rights. 

Learning outcomes fulfilled:
- Engaged with issues of global importance

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