14 April 2016

CAS group project - one class more

In this school year me, Marta and Kinga decided to organise additional art classes for children from Guardian Angels Charity as an extention of our CAS group project. We decided to use one of previously introduced techniques but to give our classes a theme. In the end we chose to organise origami classes connected with Christmas. They were led by Kinga, since she also was the leader of the previous origami classes. We helped children to make beautiful stars which they could take with them and decorate their houses with them.

The shapes Kinga introduced to children were a bit more difficult than ones she used on the previous lesson, so it was a bigger challenge for children to fold them properly. It has led to the same problem as before: children were discouraged easily as they could not achieve the same shape as the rest of the group or their stars were crooked. During the classes I observed the differences between individual children, their skills and attitude towards their work. Even though they were all in the similar age, some of them coped with the task better, some worse than the others. It shows how each child is unique and develops with its own speed. To even out those differences and encourage each of them (so that no one would feel worse) we would help those who had some problems but also pay attention to those who managed on their own. We would compliment each person similarly, we would point out how well colours they chose work together. I think we managed to keep their spirits and to convince them not to give up if something goes wrong.

The different speed of work brought one more difficulty; children who already finished their stars were getting bored and were making things a little more chaotic as we were focused on those who needed more help. They were getting noisy and interrupted us since they wanted to draw our attention to them. Fortunately we managed to make them wait for their turn and to wait for others to reach the same moment as them.

Comparing these classes to our very first lesson I think that we did a great job. I noticed that I definitely improved as a tutor. I gained more confidence and was able to control children more than before. I was no longer afraid that they will not listen to me; I perceive this as my biggest success during this project, since it was my biggest fear when we first started. Thanks to these art classes I learned how to organise and coordinate such events, also how to keep children entertained but at the same time well-behaved. These skills will definitely help me in the future, i.e. if I will have to watch after kids and spent time with them.

Learing outcomes:
- Developed new skills
- Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth
- Working collaboratively with others

- Showing perseverance and commitment

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