14 April 2016

Summer with Guardian Angel's Charity

In August 2015, I was asked by GAC's workers to take part in the field trip to Pszczyna as a tutor. My task was to help watch out for the kids, spend time with them and take care of them. When I was asked if I would like to go I felt a bit anxious, since watching out for kinds on the trip outdoors, where there is a greater chance that something bad might happen requires more responsibility than helping with homework (something I usually do at GAC). On the other hand it felt nice that they believe I am actually responsible and trustworthy enough to help them with more serious stuff like trips.

It was a big challange, since the nice weather and being outdoors encouraged kids to behave more frivolous, and it made it more difficult to control them, though it wasn't so bad as I thought it would be. My previous experience with children taught me how to react when there is a conflict between them or when someone misbehaves. Also, the workers from GAC where a great help. They supported my decisions and encouraged children to obey my commands. I saw that my presence was helpful and took much off their shoulders, as they knew I was there, watching when they weren't around or when they could not divide their attention. I was glad I could help and integrate more with children and workers.

Learning outcomes:
- Worked collaboratively with others
- Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth

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